
R: I can’t believe it!

N: What?

R: We have absolutely NO pictures of Thanksgiving in Michigan. How is that possible?!?!?

N: That’s okay. This letter is already long enough (too long.


R: Christmas! And the final trip of the season.

N: Back to Hawaii. I love Hawaii.

R; This time we went to Kauai.

N: It was a great time to get away.

R: Coming full-circle to the start of this letter, it was a good way to have an “un-Christmas-y” Christmas and make some different memories this year.

N: We went snorkeling, did a helicopter tour, swam in the ocean (and the pool), and had some great food and tropical drinks.

R: Oh! And we got to see the sea turtles swim to Poipu Beach to sleep at night. They are amazing creatures.

N: Okay, very quick montage..

One of the Locals

I hope that hand gesture isn’t a joke they play on visitors and it’s actually something really offensive.


R: Awe… Trumpette.

N: We haven’t seen her in awhile.

R: I’ve missed her.

N: Well, that’s about it! And… Oh no.

R: Coffee! Normal-everyday-before-we-brush-our-teeth morning coffee. There’s nothing more run-of-the-mill than coffee.

N: I give up. Why are you doing this?!

R: Because! Life isn’t just the big stuff. Yes, we had some great adventures “Living life to the fullest” this year. But there’s also a lot of life to live every day. We shouldn’t wait to just celebrate vacations and big events. If we do, we’ll miss what is special about our everyday experiences (even the gritty, frustrating ones) that make up the vast majority of our lives. I don’t want to take all of that for granted.

N: That actually makes a lot of sense.

R: Every chance to celebrate is an opportunity to be taken.–You taught me that.

N: But morning before-we-brush-our-teeth-coffee? Really?

R: You make it with lavender syrup and little sprinkles. 🥰

N: 😊 ☕️

The time when my computer refuses to recognize my face ID.

There is a bigger everyday-thing we did this year. We finally painted our house.

R: Yes, and it makes me happy every time I come around that final turn on my way home. It has made such a huge difference.🥰



N: And let’s not forget our everyday joy of the Kitties.

Fletcher is such a stinker.

But he’s so darn cute he gets away with it. ❤️ 🐾

🐾 Yva curled up in her favorite spot, the space behind Nicolas at the kitchen island.❤️

❤️ Our cat sitter may be spoiling Shadow a little too much when we’re gone. (Yes, that’s a bib) 🐾

Looks sweet, but this is actually a turf war.

❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾

Such a good kitty…   when he’s asleep.

❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾

R: Well, I think that about wraps up 2024!

N: Wait! Aren’t you going to talk about your book that launched in January?

R: Well, “technically,” that is 2025. But if you insist…😉

Many (if not all) of you know I am publishing a book this January:

Butterfly Goo: The Down and Dirty Truth of Transformation

I am excited, nervous and ever possible emotion in between. This book has been a long time coming. I feel like this story has been trying to write itself through me for years, and I finally stopped fighting it.

R: If the book is already out, here is the link to the book website. You could also go to The e-book is out now, and the paperback and hardcover versions will be out in February.

N: NOW I think we’re done.

R: Yes, and so closes our year of “Living Life to the Fullest.”

N: And 2025?

R: Even more life to live! (Stay tuned)