N: Living life to the fullest. More travel!
R: I can’t believe we’re still traveling. I need a break.
I know. I know. I can hear what you’re thinking. (You, our friends and family out there reading this) Oh, boohoo. Poor you. You have to travel again. [eye roll]. (Don’t think I didn’t see that.)
N: They’re not wrong. We really have been fortunate to see all that we’ve seen and visit with so many of our friends and family.
R: I know, I’m very grateful for that. I’m just tired. And I can’t imagine how tired You (our friends and family) are of reading all this. Feel free to take a break. Grab a snack. We’ll wait…
[Pause for a Quick Break]
N: Okay. We’re back. Next…

N: Wait. Now what?!
R: What?
N: You know what. What is THAT?
R: I think that’s after you washed the pads we use in the family room because the cat keeps peeing next to the TV.
N: 😳 😼
R: Raw & gritty. The down & dirty part of life. In this case, really dirty. Do you know how hard it is to get the smell of cat urine out of a television?
N: Can we please move on now?
R: Yup!
N: The end of June and right into the first of July we went to Cancún, Mexico.
R: Just in time for hurricane Beryl!
N: This isn’t the first time hurricanes and/or other natural disasters have followed us on vacation.
R: We’ve also had an earthquake, forest fire, two other hurricanes…and something else… Oh! I was in New Orleans the weekend they announced the impending global COVID shutdown. Moral of the story: It’s best not to go just before, just after, or on vacation with us.🤪
N: Fortunately for us, by the time Beryl hit it was just a tropical storm.
R: We were super lucky. I know some of you out there were impacted by hurricanes and other floods this year, and it’s been very difficult to recover. 💔

The winds aren’t that strong in this picture. This is just after the hotel announced they were not allowed to serve alcohol during the hurricane. 🤯
Cancún, Mexico

Just before the winds are starting to pick up.
R: In more positive news, my dad also came to visit us in July. It was great to spend time together.
N: We were also invited to our friends’ house blessing for their new home.
R: It was such an honor to be invited and be a part of such an intimate ceremony.

Blessing ceremony for our friends’ new home.

Rachel and her Dad