N: April was one of my favorite months.

R: First, we went to the speakeasy in San Francisco.

N: We went through a secret door. You dressed up as a 1920s flapper and I was a gangster.

R: Good thing it wasn’t really during prohibition. We have waaaay too much “hooch” in our house. If they “raided the joint”, we’d be “sent up the river” to the “slammer” by “Johnny Law.”

N: What the *?#@! are you talking about?

R: You know, prohibition mobster-type slang…

N: Wait a minute. I feel like we’ve had this holiday letter conversation before.

R: It does sound familiar… No worries. I’m sure nobody remembers our holiday letters anyway. 😉

N: Next in April…

N: Wait. What the heck is THAT?!

R: That’s the raw & gritty day-in-the-life stuff I was talking about. The mundane behind-the-scenes reality of our lives.

N: Getting coffee? When did you even take that picture?

R: I think I may have missed my calling as a documentary film maker.

N: 🙄

N: Next in April… We went to Vegas, Baby!

R: Normally, I don’t really like Vegas, but we had a BLAST!

N: We found out-of-the way things to do that we didn’t even know existed.

R: Below is a montage of videos and pictures. The videos aren’t great yet. We haven’t fully shifted our mindset/approach from paper to the online medium. But we’ll get better next year!

Sugar Factory – Candy store with an upstairs martini bar filled with candy-inspired cocktails.

Below is a picture of one of the cocktails from the Sugar Factory with Rachel’s hand to give you an idea of the size


Venice in VegasThe Venitian

Can you believe we’ve still never been to the real Venice, Italy?



Lost Spirits Distillery

A wonderfully weird, fantastic rum distillery. We are soooo disappointed it’s now closed. It was one of the highlights of our trip.



Area 15 & Omega Mart

Even the pictures and videos can’t really explain… well… ANY of it.

Drag Brunch

R: We met this random guy in bar who invited us to a Drag Brunch…

N: Don’t worry. It’s not as weird as it sounds. Rachel talks to strangers in bars all the time.

R: That did not make that better…

Anyway, the drag show was great!