R: January, we traveled back from France after your mom passed away, and we started planning our year.

N: February, we did a weekend getaway to wine country in Paso Robles, CA.

R: In March, I had a conference in Austin, TX, and we explored the city.

N: We found a great jazz club, The Elephant Room, and I bought a new pair of cowboy boots.🎶🎷🎹

R: The boot store offers bourbon and other beverages while you shop. That has to be good for business. 🥃🥃🥃😉

February – Paso Robles, California (Wine Country, even if Nicolas is holding a beer)

March – Austin, Texas – Rachel went for a conference & Nicolas worked from Austin Cisco office.

N: Wait. Where were those last two pictures taken? I don’t remember those.

R: You were at work. We didn’t have enough good pictures of the city. So, I explored on my own. You should have been there. It was great! 😊

N: 🤨

R: Back in California…

N: Friends invited us to an event at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA). The students work with local wineries to pair wine with different dishes. Each team has a strict budget.

March – Culinary Institute of America – St Helena, California

R: Then we (the humble consumers) eat, drink, and vote for our favorites. Yummmmm.